Londýnský systém

Many club players have their favourite pet opening variations which aren’t necessarily main lines. It’s important to know how to handle these variations as your opponent will...

The London System, which for a long time had the reputation of a rather harmless sideline, has developed into a very popular opening, and World Champion Magnus Carlsen is only...

The Jobava London System, named after the top Georgian player Baadur Jobava, is a side form of the London System, which differs in principle in only one small detail - the white...

The London System gives you an easy to learn repertoire without having to memorise long theory lines. Many Grandmasters paly the London System regularly and enhance its theory....

London System Reloaded Why bother learning hundreds of complex variations when you can play a simple yet deadly opening – the London System with 2.Bf4. Over the last couple of...

By playing the London System, with 1.d4 followed by 2.Nf3 and 3.Bf4, White can avoid a theoretical discussion and instead use natural ability plus a knowledge of plans. The...

The London System is becoming increasingly popular, both at grandmaster and club level. The theory of the opening is developing quickly, with new things being tested all the...

The Accelerated London System with 2.Bf4 offers some dynamic new possibilities for White that have been hitherto little explored. Amongst them is a new and dangerous way of...

Why bother learning hundreds of complex variations when you can play a simple yet deadly opening – the London System with 2.Bf4. Over the last couple of years nearly all the...

Discover the Neo-London System – a creative and improved version of the classic London System! With the move 3.c3 and later Bf4, the Neo-London offers two decisive advantages:...