Santasiere's Folly: 1.Nf3 followed by b4 in 60 Minutes, Andrew Martin - verzia na stiahnutie

Santasiere's Folly: 1.Nf3 followed by b4 in 60 Minutes, Andrew Martin - verzia na stiahnutie
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Many chess players have a desire to avoid theory, preferring to try to outplay the opponent from a sound, but uncommon opening position. 1 b4 might be the start of one such adventure, but after that 1...e5! is regarded as strong. So how about playing 1 Nf3 first, to be followed by 2 b4 if Black allows? White gains space on the queenside, forces the opponent to use their own resources right from the start of the game and creates a complicated position. We are going to see that this opening, used at the right moment, can cause confusion in the enemy camp. A very early b2-b4 by White is often regarded as rather loose, enabling Black to equalise easily. White pioneers need not worry about this type of assessment, because a position is going to be reached where they can play for the win, avoiding theory and thereby saving energy for the game. Reuben Fine dubbed this opening, Santasiere's Folly. He did not think much of it. Let us examine the evidence and see if he was right...

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pokročilý, turnajový hráč, profesionál



Počítač: Dual Core
Pamäť: 2 GB RAM
Operačný systém: Windows 10 a vyššie
Grafická karta: 256 MB RAM
Ostatné: Windows Media Player 9, ChessBase 14/Fritz 16 alebo priložený Reader a prístup k internetu pre aktiváciu programu

MacOSX: MacOS "Yosemite" 10.10


Procesor: PC Intel i5 (Quadcore)
Pamäť: 4 GB RAM
Operačný systém: Windows 10 a vyššie, DirectX 11
Grafická karta: 512 MB RAM a viac
Ostatné: DirectX10-kompatibilná zvuková karta, Windows Media Player 11 a prístup k internetu pre aktiváciu programu

Účet ChessBase:

Prístup k internetu a moderný webový prehliadač, napr. Chrome, Edge, Safari.

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: Iné otvorenia
Hmotnosť: 0.001 kg
Autor: Martin, Andrew
Úroveň: Pokročilý, Turnajový hráč, Profesionál
Rok vydania: 2022
Streaming: Nie

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